Your clients’ needs are complex.

That’s why it’s handy to have cheat sheets on tax topics such as life insurance policy loans and RDSP carry-forwards. Sometimes rules change — as with small business taxation — and common knowledge must be revisited, while other times clients should prepare for more vigilant enforcement.

In other cases, you may just want a readable breakdown of RRSPs and TFSAs that your client can actually understand (see #3, below).

Our tax experts cover topics that come up in your practice over and over again. Bookmark these articles for easy access.

10. Is pension income splitting available for the year of death?

9. Capital gains and losses at death: the spousal advantage

8. Eligible dividends and the OAS clawback

7. A life insurance policy loan or a loan against the policy?

6. Tax planning when your client receives severance

5. Revisiting salary versus dividends in light of federal tax changes

4. Selling real estate? The CRA is watching

3. RRSP vs. TFSA: a classic apples and oranges comparison

2. Help maximize RDSP carry forwards

1. Cross-border gift tax issues for Canadians